Friday, August 21, 2009

Heaven on Earth

Cape Town is the capital of South Africa and is said to be the heaven on earth. It is a small town with many small roads along with the greatest mountains. It shows the greatness of nature and shows how small a man is in front of this great Mother Nature.

Cape Town is famous for its natural floral kingdom as well as its harbor. This town is one of the most popular tourist attractions of South Africa, with its wine tasting day trips, whale and dolphin watching.

Greatest Tourist Spot - North America

USA is located in North America and is one of the greatest tourist spot. People from all over the world come to visit the entertainment capital of the world—Las Vegas. Other places worth of attraction are Golden GateBridge in San Francisco, Mount Rushmore, and the spot of the former WorldTradeCenter in New York, Disneyland, and Lincoln Park. But the most famously visited place in USA is the Grand Canyon; it is actually a very sharp canyon by the Colorado River, Arizona that has the most mind boggling scenery. Scientists are of the opinion that the canyon has been created by the Colorado River over a six million year period. It is not the deepest canyon in the world, it is known for its extremely huge size and beautifully intricate landscape. The Grand CanyonNational Park is said to be one of the first National Parks in the United States and attracts more than five million visitors a year.